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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 387-515

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Theoretical and Practical Aspects of a Multigrid Method

P. Wesseling

pp. 387-407

Stable Boundary Approximations for Implicit Time Discretizations for Gas Dynamics

Bertil Gustafsson and Joseph Oliger

pp. 408-421

Why Particle Methods Work

J. J. Monaghan

pp. 422-433

A Method for Computing the Integral of the Bivariate Normal Distribution Over an Arbitrary Polygon

A. R. DiDonato and R. K. Hageman

pp. 434-446

On the Solution of the Finite Element Equations for Nonlinear Shell Analysis

Lois Mansfield

pp. 447-459

Discrete Weighted Mean Approximation of a Model Convection-Diffusion Equation

E. C. Gartland, Jr.

pp. 460-472

Preconditioning and Coarse Grid Corrections in the Solution of the Initial Value Problem for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

P. J. van der Houwen and H. B. de Vries

pp. 473-485

Comparison of Two Algorithms for Solving Large Linear Systems

Zahari Zlatev, Jerzy Wasniewski, and Kjeld Schaumburg

pp. 486-501

The Simulation of Generalized Inverse Gaussian and Hyperbolic Random Variables

A. C. Atkinson

pp. 502-515